Becky Wagner | Chief Security Officer | Ext. 18001 |
The job of the Chief Security Officer is to provide strategic direction, leadership, and coordination in the development, implementation, and evaluation of a variety of services for the Coalinga-Huron Unified School District. This position is responsible for the overall administration and coordination of the District's Safety Liaisons, school site security, public safety, and emergency plans; and manages assigned programs and services, ensuring District compliance with all applicable laws.
Objective: To enhance the current safety mandates of safe, secure learning and working environment for CHUSD through technology, training, and teamwork.
Goal: To equip Safety Liaisons with the tools and knowledge to best serve students and staff in an effort to reduce school-related incidents. To provide adequate and efficient service where all staff and students feel safe and vested in the process.
School | Safety Liaisons | |
Cheney Kindergarten & Sunset Elementary | Yurika Lambert | |
Bishop Elementary & Dawson Elementary | Fabricio Perez | |
Huron Elementary | Jesus Navarro Diego Robles | |
Coalinga Middle School | Tristin Martin Lisa Luna | |
Huron Middle School | Juan Barajas | |
Coalinga High School | Rae Granados Ian Kerr Sergio Tamayo | |
Cambridge High | Octabiano Sigala |
Emergency Response Procedures
In the event of a school emergency, please understand that each school in the District has a School Site Safety Plan that has been carefully developed through a coordinated effort with educational partners, law enforcement, and first responders. If there is an emergency at your child's school, your cooperation is necessary to help us respond effectively.
In the event of an emergency, please help us by doing the following:
Please do not call or go to the school. In an emergency, on-site staff are focused solely on getting everyone to a safe location. Showing up to the site can create unnecessary traffic, preventing emergency vehicles from responding quickly. You could put yourself and others in danger.
If you get a call or text from your student, help them remain calm. Remind your child that school staff know what to do in an emergency situation and will work to keep everyone safe.
Please know we communicate with parents/guardians about reunifying you with your child and that this reunification site may not be at the school. Check ParentSquare or Ed Services' social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) for updates. To ensure that you receive ParentSquare notifications and alerts, make sure that we have current contact information by checking your Aeries Parent Portal or by calling your child's school.
We will provide credible, accurate, and useful information to the public as soon as possible. Please be aware that information received from sources other that school administration or the District may be inaccurate.
To assist our department in times of crisis, we encourage families to familiarize your students with the terms below that are used in emergency situations:
Shelter-in-Place: Used to secure the building from a potential threat outside the building, such as when an unauthorized person is loitering n school grounds or when there is criminal activity in the neighborhood. Exterior doors are locked but normal activities continue inside the building. Also used during severe weather or other environmental threats (i.e. air contamination due to a large fire) to keep people safe while remaining indoors.
Lockdown: Used when there is a perceived danger inside the building. Doors are locked, windows are closed and locked, blinds are closed. People are directed to move away from windows and doors. hallways are cleared of students and staff.
Evacuation: When students and staff are moved out of the building to a pre-designated safe location.
Reunification Site: An alternative site other than the school where school administration will check out students to the child's parent/guarding. Students will only be released to authorized persons with proper identification (i.e. driver's license, state ID card, military ID card, passport, etc.).
Please discuss these matters with your students and immediate family. Planning ahead will help alleviate concerns during emergencies. Thank you in advance for following these steps to ensure our students, staff, and the public remain safe and secure.After download is complete, select your school from the directory and accept the Terms & Conditions.
See Something, Say Something
All CHUSD students, staff, parents, and community members are encouraged to report anything they see, hear, or are aware of that may impact a school or school program. If you see or hear something, say something.
CHUSD Campus Safety & Security: (559) 935-7500 ext. 18001
Coalinga Police Department: (559) 935-1525
Huron Police Department: (559) 945-2046
Or 911

At the secondary level (Coalinga & Huron Middle Schools, Coalinga High School, Cambridge, & Chesnut), students, staff, and the community can report anonymously via the STOPit app.
The STOPit app provides a quick and easy way for you to share concerns with school leaders and it immediately routes your concerns to someone who can help. By providing us with information in real-time, our school team can quickly provide support to the students who need it and prevent things from escalating to something more serious.
What can I report on the STOPit app?
Drug and alcohol use
Mental health concerns
Threat of violence
Basic and essential needs
Threat of self-harm
Fight or Assault
Inappropriate conduct
Suspected abuse
General concerns
Early intervention is critical to the safety and wellbeing of our school community and can oftentimes save lives.
Download the STOPit app today and click the SUBMIT A TIP button to report a concern to the school!
After download is complete, select your school from the directory and accept the Terms & Conditions.
At the elementary levels, CHUSD is still using the Stay Safe. Speak Up! Student Safety Reporting System (powered by PublicSchoolWORKS) to document and respond to concerns of bullying, suicide, violence, and other safety threats.
The system allows students, parents, and staff to submit safety concerns to school officials in three different ways:
Mobile App: Download the Stay Safe. Speak Up! mobile app and enter our unique District Code to submit reports directly from your smartphone. DISTRICT CODE: CHUSD
Phone: Call 1-866-547-8362 to leave a voice message or speak with a trained, live attendant. Attendants can initiate contact with various national crisis hotlines if a student needs help in dealing with a personal emergency.
Online: Click on the button below to access the online form.
Students who believe they have been harassed, bullied, victimized by fellow students, or have other concerns which may jeopardize the safety of students, employees, or school property are asked to use this system to report the issue.
Reports can be submitted anonymously.
Thanks in advance for helping to make our school community a safer place to work and learn.
I am excited to be leading such an admirable group of Safety Liaisons who come to work daily and give it their all. We are committed to providing a safe environment for the students, staff, and families of the District. As Chief Security Officer, my goal is to develop a strong team and be proactive in our approach to safety and security.
Becky Wagner
Chief Security Officer